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Conditioning players to excel in an Operant environment.

As discussed in the previous article about operant high-performance environments, designing a training program that effectively reinforces good technique without interrupting the session is of paramount importance.

To ensure that the outcomes from a player-led environment are achieved, there are some fundamental elements that need to be put into place. The high-performance environment needs to coach and teach players how to become proficient in five key areas:

  • detailed analysis,
  • mental focus,
  • positive reinforcement,
  • progress monitoring, and
  • ample repetition.

It is not as simple as telling a player to analyse footage and come back with their thoughts.

The very first step, and one of the vital aspects in reinforcing good technique, is ensuring that players have a clear understanding of the playing model. Coaches must actively share and outline all the key moments and intricacies of the playing model. By precisely defining what correct execution looks like and contrasting it with examples of incorrect execution, coaches provide players with a comprehensive framework for analysing their own performances. Without a solid grasp of the playing model, players may struggle to accurately assess the footage they are reviewing, hindering their ability to identify areas for improvement and reinforce good technique effectively.

When players possess a deep understanding of the playing model, they can approach the analysis of footage with greater clarity and precision. By having a clear mental image of what correct execution entails, players can compare their own performances with the desired standard, identifying deviations from the ideal technique and pinpointing areas where adjustments are needed. This comprehensive understanding of the playing model allows players to analyse the footage they review more accurately, discerning the nuances that contribute to good technique. It empowers them to make informed judgments about their own performances, facilitating targeted improvements and ultimately reinforcing good technique more effectively.

Furthermore, mental imagery plays a crucial role as part of the overall operant high-performance environment, where players aim for consistent improvement in their mental skills under the guidance of a trained professional mental skills coach. Through the power of mental imagery, players can enhance their performance by creating vivid mental images of successful performances, techniques, and strategies. A skilled mental skills coach collaborates closely with players, tailoring the mental imagery exercises to their specific needs and goals, providing personalised guidance and support. By incorporating the regular practice of mental imagery, players reinforce neural pathways associated with successful execution, leading to improved focus, confidence, and overall mental skills. This emphasis on mental imagery within the operant high-performance environment ensures that players have a comprehensive framework to cultivate their mental skills, ultimately maximising their potential and achieving consistent progress.

Additionally, positive feedback is a potent tool for reinforcing good technique during training sessions. Coaches can provide praise and encouragement when players execute skills correctly, fostering a positive training environment without disrupting the natural flow of the session. To reinforce good technique consistently, coaches should also monitor players’ progress over time, tracking their development and providing regular feedback. This progress tracking can take various forms, such as keeping records of performance metrics or using technology-driven tools to capture relevant data. By tailoring their guidance based on the players’ progress, coaches can effectively reinforce good technique. 

Repetition serves as a crucial pillar for reinforcing good technique as well, enabling players to internalise correct movement patterns and develop muscle memory for efficient execution.

Once all these elements are integrated into the environment, the operant high-performance environment will exponentially improve. Players will be able to analyse themselves from training and games, identifying areas for improvement based on the playing model outcomes. In a constraint-led game and operant environment, they will seek answers to the questions they ask of themselves, guided by what they see, feel, know, their techniques, and the activity around them. With a clear framework to work within, they can explore complex questions without feeling pressured to find a specific answer. The answer that makes the playing model work becomes their guiding principle.

In summary, an effective training program that reinforces good technique while maintaining the integrity of the session employs a combination of approaches. These include video analysis for in-depth assessment, mental imagery for mental rehearsal, positive feedback for motivation, progress tracking for personalised feedback, and repetition for skill consolidation. By skillfully utilising these techniques, coaches can empower players to develop and reinforce good technique, ensuring their continuous growth and improvement while seamlessly integrating these strategies into the training session in a high-performing operant environment. The emphasis on providing a clear understanding of the playing model, the analysis of footage, individual mental skills training, positive feedback, progress tracking, and repetition collectively contribute to a comprehensive approach in developing and reinforcing good technique within the operant high-performance environment. By implementing these strategies consistently and with expertise, coaches can facilitate the ongoing improvement and success of their players.

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